On this page you will find rules for all formats of the game played at NHHA as well as some useful resources for beginner to advanced umpires.
The perfect place to head if you are unsure on a rule or need to find a rule to help explain it to a player, coach or fellow umpire.
We know it takes a while to learn all the rules and we do not expect a new umpire to know all of them straight away. You will find some useful getting started resources below which act as the go to place for the starting rules you need to know to get out on the pitch in an orange shirt and give it a go.
If you have any any questions about umpiring at NHHA please email umpiring@harbourhockey.org.nz
rules & resources for all officials
rules of hockey
The Federation of International Hockey (FIH) produce the rules of our game. For all matches where no modified rules are included these are the rules you should follow to umpire or officiate a match. Please see below for FIH rules for Hockey, Hockey 5's, and Indoor Hockey.
NHHA umpire resources
New to Senior Umpiring Guide
NHHA New Umpire’s Guide To Umpiring Senior Club Hockey
This guide was created for all of our members who are new to umpiring each season. This guide will help you prepare for your first game and is a handy reminder of the unwritten essentials to umpiring hockey.
A step by step guide of getting through the start of the season & your first game.
Preparing for your game on the day
Arriving at the turf
Five minutes before the game
Quarter & Half time
End of the game